Utilities & CPO

There are ever increasing pressures on land to provide for the needs of the general population and the coming years will see a growth in power generation and data connections, road building, water schemes and industrial development across North Scotland.

We Are Happy To Give Advice

Land that previously held little interest will become the next port, electricity substation or reservoir. Highland Rural knows the area and knows the concerns of people involved in land management and are well placed to advise and guide landowners through the pitfalls and benefits of having a third party acquiring interests in your land.

If you are affected by development notices under statutory powers or by consent then the sooner you take professional advice the better. Often affected properties have professional fees met by the developer so reasonable advice forms part of your compensation package. In any case we will provide a free initial consultation to discuss your circumstances and explain realistically the level of input required and what any project may mean for you.

Value from Land Amenity Natural Capital

Let Us Help You

We can coordinate with other professional advisers to ensure your solicitor and accountant are well informed for the best client outcome. Examples of common statutory projects are-

Electricity Infrastructure

These projects will be promoted either by enforcement of law or private negotiation and agreements vary widely between private developers and national distribution and transmission companies. We can appraise and help with new proposals as well as checking on existing infrastructure contracts.


The new Telecommunications Code has seen a flurry of activity under “Code Rights” and whilst values have dropped for masts and new lines there are still negotiations being done effectively as case law and comparables develop rapidly.

Water & Sewerage

Traditionally it is accepted that there is no compensation for water pipes; whilst this may be the case for the pipes, the interruption, disturbance and crop loss can always be claimed.

Gas and Oil

These are older technologies but some apparatus is still being installed and much of the pipework is reaching a stage requiring repair.

Compulsory Purchase

Compulsory Purchase Orders for public works e.g. road improvements – Compulsory Acquisition is a highly specialised area where advice is prudent from the very outset. If a public Authority already has land adjoining you we can give professional input to resolve ongoing or recurrent problems with for example fencing and drainage.

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